60m – $125 90m – $180 120m – $240
Hawaiian Ka Huna Massage promotes harmony to the body, mind and spirit through unlocking free flow of energy throughout the body. This massage is performed with continuous, fluid, rhythmic motions using the forearms and hands. The art of massaging different areas of the body at the same time relaxes the mind as the brain finds it difficult to focus on two different areas at once. Hawaiian massage has often been described as feeling like waves moving over the whole body, and often there is the sensation of more than one pair of hands working on you at once.
Hawaiian Ka Huna massage originates from the Huna philosophy that relates to healing bodywork, and that emotions and feelings can be responsible for energy blockages, resulting in muscle tension and joint stiffness. As the flow of energy returns, emotions may be released, allowing you to let go of stress, anxiety and emotional pain.
A unique feature of Ka Huna massage is “under-body” work. This 3-dimensional technique involves massage to the parts of the body that are laying directly on the vinyl of the table. Under-body work is an amazing experience that therapists intuitively perform in combination with breathing techniques and hula dance style movements.
This treatment can be deeply relaxing or performed to treat specific muscle aches, pains or tension. We especially recommend this treatment for people suffering back pain and physical or emotional stress, and for those who just LOVE Kahuna Bodywork. A remarkably nurturing and uplifting experience
At Genesis, we use beautiful Massage oils blended onsite with premium cold pressed Essential oils specific to your treatment. We have thick fluffy bath sheets or sarongs to drape you with, and an electric hydraulic table to enable you to get on and off at a comfortable level, as well as receive an extremely effective treatment at the correct height for the therapist.